Board of trustees

Mª José Beriain Apesteguía


University Professor in the Area of Nutrition and Bromatology. Degree and Phd in Pharmacy by the University of Navarre. She has taught various subjects in the field of food science and technology since her arrival at the Public University of Navarre in 1990.

Her research activity is framed in the line of quality and technology of meat and its derivatives, especially geared to designing and developing new products with healthy properties. Her research encompasses more than 50 projects at regional, national and European levels with public funding and also from the meat industries with which she maintains a close collaboration for improving the quality of their products. She has published more than 80 scientific and technical publications, two dozen book chapters and more than 100 communications in national and international congresses. She has directed around 15 doctoral theses. While also being a scientific evaluation of journals belonging to the SCI. She is a member of the American Society of Animal Science. Has taught more than twenty courses, seminars and presentations related to the quality of meat and its derivatives.

She was the Director of the Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI Navarre) for five years (1999-2004). She is a member of the Academic Committee of the Degree (IPPA) and of the Doctoral Programme of Agri-food.

She is the Director of the Institute of Innovation and Sustainability in the Agri-food Chain (IS-FOOD) of the University of Navarre, which aims to produce, innovate and promote safe, sustainable and healthy foods.

Myriam Flores Quesada

Technical Management

Graduate in Social Work by the University of Deusto and a Bachelor’s degree in Socio-cultural Anthropology by the University of the Basque Country. Postgraduate studies in Agents of social and employment insertion. Master’s Degree in Family, Civil and Commercial Mediation. Master’s Degree in Applied Anthropological Research.

She has extensive experience with various entities within the social sector performing managerial tasks and those involved in the intervention in collectives in a situation of social disadvantage (mainly people with disabilities and immigrants), as well as in the design of services, programmes and the preparation of technical reports. She also has vast experience as a teacher of various training specialities, including community revitalisation, development of social projects, social intervention…

She has participated in various research studies in the field of disability and migration.

Patricia López Equiza

Vice Chairperson

Sociologist. Postgraduate and Master in Human Resources, Quality Management and Social Services Planning.

For more than 10 years she has held management positions in various business associations: Since 2007, as Manager of ANEC, Association of Consulting Companies of Navarra; de 2017 to 2020 as Manager of ADEMAN Asociación de Empresarios de la Madera de Navarra already She is currently Director of Innovation and Projects of the Metal SME Association of Navarra. Prior to these positions, she has worked as a consultant in the management of different social, business and employment projects, both regionally and internationally.

Expert in matters of Leadership and Strategy, Communication and Marketing, Project Management, Internationalization, Commercial and Business Dynamization.

Kattalin Ibañez Bastarrika


Graduate in Social Work and Social Labour. Postgraduate studies in Management of non-profit entities and Equal Opportunities agent.  

During her extensive professional life, she has had the chance to participate in the implementation of pioneering programmes of national reference in the fields of social services focusing on home care, housing for social integration, attention to women victims of gender violence, etc.

She has held different managerial positions in the areas of Social Services and Employment, taking responsibility for the areas of human resources, organisational planning and promotion of labour activities in companies, trade union organisations, etc.

She has also performed and/or participated in European projects, public research and strategic and action plans.

Luis Ciriza Ariztegui


Degree in Law. Master’s Degree in Health Services Management and M.B.A. Postgraduate in People Management.

He has held different managerial positions in the areas of Health, Social Services and Employment, taking responsibility for the areas of human resources, organisational planning and promotion of entrepreneurial activities. For the past 20 years, he has also taught Labour Law and Social Security at the University of Navarre, Socio-Labour Policies at the Open University of Catalonia and has been a collaborating teacher of labour practices at the University of the Basque Country.

He has directed, performed and/or participated in numerous public research and strategic and action plans. Since 2007 he is dedicated to providing business advice on strategic, organisational and people related matters