The PLUSD´ACC project: Improvement of accessibility to the cultural heritage of the Euroregion Aquitaine-Euskadi-Navarre, seeking professional exchange among social entities and public administrations in terms of accessibility to artistic heritage, culture and, therefore, to the tourism generated through these elements.

Through this exchange of experiences and good practices of the participating entities, as well as the contributions of professionals, experts and entities of reference in the field of each of the territories involved, we will study, analyse and deepen in the difficulties of accessibility of the artistic heritage, culture and tourism, as well as the availability of different tools and methodologies that can be implemented to eliminate different existing barriers.

The main objective is to improve the universal accessibility in the access, management and enjoyment of the cultural and artistic heritage of the Euroregion.

The main activities to develop are:

  1. Creation of a permanent working group to facilitate networking among the three regions to share experiences and good practices in this regard. This group will meet periodically throughout the project to promote the same and enable the perpetuation of its results.
  2. Background check, application policy and best practices in the field of the three regions and in others with experience in the field.
  3. Accomplishment of meetings for improvement of competence, that will bring together professionals from the entities participating in the project and experts in the field.
  4. Conducting public awareness days and exchange of experiences and good practices aimed at professionals within the artistic, cultural and tourist scenes, and those responsible for local administrations.
  5. Performance of accessible artistic samples and exhibitions.
  6. Activities for the perpetuation of the project: The permanent working group will work in network to define the idea of a large-scale project that enables the creation of a model of resource and advice centres in the Euroregion in terms of accessibility to cultural to cultural and artistic heritage.

These centres, which will also in a network, shall offer permanently updated information in different formats, and will be able to advise the public administrations and social communities to promote a cultural and artistic tourism that is accessible to all people.

Fundación Koine-Aequalitas launches an accessible exhibition to remember that Cultural Heritage is everyone’s business

Fundación Koine-Aequalitas, within the framework of the PLUS D’ACC Project “Improvement of Accessibility to Material and Intangible Cultural Heritage”, has organized in Pamplona the accessible exhibition of the sculptor Francisco García Lasaosa.

A year ago the Parliament of Navarre approved the Foral Law 12/2018, of June 14, Universal Accessibility, which extends in its chapter II the fields of application including the Administration of Justice, cultural heritage, cultural activities, sports, leisure and employment, and this is why we thought it appropriate to bring this exhibition to continue claiming that access to heritage is not a luxury of a few, but a right of all.

Precisely, one of the objectives of this exhibition is the assertion of all people rights to enjoy cultural heritage. The accessibility to the heritage, is understood by the Foundation as a fundamental right of all people, that any inclusive society should guarantee and this involves complying and enforcing the entire regulatory framework and the regulatory development that regulates Universal accessibility.

The work is on display at the Pilgrim’s Shelter “Jesus and Maria” from June 18 to July 31. This artistic collection has thirty steel sculptures full of symbols and with a strong social claim. The program of the exhibition has been presented in Braille, easy reading, Spanish, Basque, English and French.