The purpose of the project is to improve employability and job placement through an individualized process of promotion and personal and professional development in unemployed women. This project contemplates the joint design and consensus with the participant of their own itinerary of socio-labor insertion, training (occupational pre-employment, personal, empowerment) and technical training related to the needs of the labor market.
The women, once the training / qualification process is finished, will carry out non-labor internships in different companies or through collaborating local entities, to strengthen theoretical knowledge, through the practical resolution of the job for which they have been qualified.
For this, our entity has the collaboration of various companies in the localities as well as the explicit support of local entities.
The main objective is to promote the labor insertion of the participating women through an individualized process of promotion and personal and professional development, within the framework of the activity of commerce and attention tothe clientele, supplemented with non-labor practices.
As derived objectives we can point out.
Improve the employability of participating women through occupational training
Improve the employability of participating women through occupational training and non-work practices in companies linked to the possible employment niches in each locality.
Promote the personal and collective empowerment of participating women
Promote the personal and collective empowerment of participating women through individual and group accompaniment activities.
Enhance the development of positive personal self-concept in relation to employment
Enhance the development of positive personal self-concept in relation to employment, through positive experiences in relation to the level of performance of the job, strengthening their security and facing the active search for employment with a higher level of motivation and expectation of achievement.
Promote the acquisition of essential transversal competences
Promote the acquisition of essential transversal competences for obtaining and maintaining employment through the practice of simulated situations in the classroom.
Within the framework of this project, the following actions are being developed:
- Women Employment Commerce in the towns of Barañain, Estella and Puente la Reina.
- Woman uses Polymantenedoras in the town of Falces.

Financed by the General Direction of Inclusion and social protection of the Department of Social Rights of the Government of Navarra.