The overall objective of this project is to create a cross-border network for the accessibility of persons with disabilities to the culture and heritage of the regions crossed by St. James’ Way. Responds to the joint need for access to basic public services, in particularly those related to culture, and for the collective of persons with disabilities.
The activities of the JACOB@CCESS project are being carried out between June 2016 and May 2019. As a result, this will define and implement a model of cultural centre that is fully accessible to persons with disabilities, perennial over time and transferable to other regions.
This project succeeded, in the 1st call for projects of the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra programme (POCTEFA 2014-2020), in obtaining the approval for its entire budget, amounting to a total of 1,979,475 euros, of which 65% will be financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The project partners are Jaca City Council and Atades Huesca, in Huesca; Pamplona City Council and the KOINE AEQUALITAS Foundation , in Navarre; and the Association Espace de Vie pour Adultes Handicapés (EVAH) and the Communauté des Communes Iholdi-Oztibarre, of the Atlantic Pyrenees.
The JACOB@CCESS project is developing in each of the municipalities (Pamplona, Jaca, Ostabat-Izura) a St. James’ Way interpretation centre accessible to all people, in particular to those with some type of disability. In addition, in Martillué (Huesca) an accessible hostel for pilgrims is being launched.

Lines of work to be implemented:
1.- Identify good practices and resources available to improve and promote the social inclusion of people with disabilities in their access to public services
This task will be carried our working on physical accessibility, materials and processes to compensate for the disability and improve access to culture, the dissemination of aid linked to access to public services, health care and cultural benefits, the creation of activities and regional development placing people with disabilities at the centre of the project.
2.- Create a reference model and build the infrastructures designed to improve access for people with disabilities to the culture and heritage of St. James’ Way
Creation of 4 infrastructures, 3 interpretation centres and one accessible hostel (construction and/or adaptation of buildings), as support for the cross-border network for the accessibility of persons with disabilities to the culture and heritage of the regions crossed by St. James’ Way.
3.- Conception and dynamisation of the cross-border network
Creation of a cross-border network for the accessibility of persons with disabilities to the culture and heritage of the regions crossed by St. James’ Way. Identify common characteristics as the identity of the cross-border network and proceed to the exchange among professionals from organisations that provide health care for people with disabilities.
The KOINE AEQUALITAS Foundation is participating from the genesis of the project contributing its knowledge and experience in:
- The definition and development of the idea.
- The search for partners and support among social entities.
- The consensus and the formalisation of the partnership agreement.
- The drafting and presentation of the project to the call.
- Its dissemination in the media.
- The participation of the agents sensitised with the matter.
The promotion and advice for managing and monitoring the project by the partners from Navarre and Huesca.
With the aim of encouraging projects and helping different entities in the implementation of initiatives with social impact, at the KOINE AEQUALITAS Foundation we have developed a methodology for assistance and accompaniment that enables us to gain very broad knowledge and experience in the preparation and development of international collaborative projects.