The overall objective of the project is boots associations and social cohesion through the support of pesons involved directly or indirectly in social organizations, promoting better management and social participation therein, and promoting collaborative networks among them, pretending the following specific objectives:


  • Promote the associative fabric through organizational and professional support to the social organizations that compose it.
  • Promote the generation of collaborative support networks and collaborative projects between the social organizations participating.
  • Encourage continuous improvement, empowerment and survival of social organizations.
  • Encourage active participation of citizens in social organizations.



Forum Meetings

Open work sessions are developed to interested citizens and people involved in social organizations, thus enhancing mutual understanding between them and promoting the active involvement in the functioning of institutions. The content of these sessions is different depending on the demands and needs shown by the participating entities: exchange of good practices, gender mainstreaming in intervention, social innovation, social entrepreneurship, accessibility activities, management of cultural diversity, social participation… In the sessions will be a proactive experts of the content to work that encourage reflection, debate and developt networking between the assitants.


Continuing training actions

Parallel to the Forum Meetings, we Will develop training capsules on topics of interest that have practical application in organizations. The content of the training capsules is defined in terms of the interests that show the participants: quality, leadership, fundraising, new management models, equality …


Social Mentoring

Mentoring is a tool of social intervention that promotes the relationship between people who volunteer to provide individual support to someone else. This tool is usually applied in working with people at risk of exclusion, entrepreneurs, … .. Our project uses this tool among professionals of organizations, favoring that the expertise of a recognized organization is employed and enhances the development of other organizations.


Knowledge Transfer actions

Whereas the basis of development and social innovation is the transfer of knowledge. Based on this premise, two actions will be developed:

> Good practices in the social field developed by social organizations are collected, thereby generating a catalog of resources and tools segmented by areas of action, which can be used by the rest of the social organizations.

> Attendees are supported with specific material so that they can transmit the reflections and content developed in their organizations, thereby enhancing the sustainability of the results and reaching a greater number of beneficiaries.